‘Tis the Season

This time of year is meant to be merry and bright!

However, that may not be the case for everyone…and that is ok.

There may be some parents who could not put presents under the tree for their children this year.

Someone may have lost a loved one in the past few days or months. 

Someone may dread Christmas because it may be the 3rd or 4th Christmas without a parent or child.

There are many reasons that some of us may not look forward to celebrating Christmas. 

Through your thoughts and your tears, I want to help you lean on Jesus. I want to remind you of the real reason we celebrate Christmas

The birth of Jesus

Preparing for Jesus’ birth was a task. God had to speak to a lot of people and reassure them not to be afraid and that He had everything worked out.

He had the angels appear to multiple people. I mean, Zachariah didn’t take God seriously and lost the ability to talk. I doubt that was a joy-filled moment for him. However, Zachariah praised God through the storm, and when it was time, he trusted God’s Word and acted on faith when naming his son John. God immediately gave him his voice back. Powerful, right?!?

Then there is Joseph; the angel appeared to him to let him know that his soon-to-be bride was going to be carrying the Savior of the world. Again, probably not a glorious moment for Joseph either. Joseph contemplated leaving Mary. It's a totally natural response. However, he obeyed God, stood by his bride, and witnessed the most GLORIOUS birth.

These two important people in the story of Jesus’ birth did not have it easy. They were tested, and they had to rely on God to see the truth and see God’s plan come to fruition. 

Just as God used them, He can and will use you.

Although this season may have its bleak moments, remember the real reason: the birth of our Savior. Remember that God has a plan for all of us, and we are to lean on Him during times of difficulty.

There may not be presents under the tree, trust Him and His timing.

Your loved one may have passed away, trust Him and His timing.

Your job may not value you the way you deserve; trust Him and His timing.

Through every moment, good and bad, trust Him. Let God know that you see Him.  Remember that His promises are yes and amen. Lean into your faith this season.

We may not always understand why God allows certain things to happen or why He sets them up the way He does. Just know that He has a plan, and He has YOU. 

Remain focused on the real reason we are able to celebrate this season. 

Luke 2:10-11 And the angel of the Lord said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”

Merry CHRISTmas

God’s Love and Mine,





faster, Faster, FASTING