Embracing the CHAOS

Last week I was asked to use one word to describe the week before.

The only word I could see in my mind was CHAOS.

At first, I wasn’t sure why I was only seeing chaos.

Was my week chaotic? Did I even understand what chaos meant?

But, as I began to replay the events of the week, I agreed with the word chaos.

To be honest, most of my days are chaotic.

I can truthfully say that there is always some form of controlled chaos attached to my life. I mean come on - we are a family of SIX. Three teenagers, a toddler, and two working parents. The teenagers are active in sports and the toddler…well her age speaks for itself lol.

A normal day consists of bible study (quiet time with God), workout, daycare, school, work, and sports. & On special days we add in Bible group and sporting events that require eating concession stand food for dinner and getting home way past bedtime. … Now we add in the holidays and birthdays, and we get to add more to the already present chaos.

After admitting my week was chaotic, I was given a new outlook on the chaos.

I used to think that chaos was bad or meant that I didn’t have my life in order or under control. However, the Lord has been showing me that it is okay to have chaos.

I know that it can be hard to focus in the middle of chaos. Like it has taken me multiple days to type this blog compared to others. [Which also tells me that this is exactly what God wanted to me talk about.]

I have had multiple stop-and-go moments. Confused moments. Wait, what was I saying moments?! I had the thought that maybe I shouldn’t be talking about chaos, and it should be something else. Then I would hear Him speak to me in the chaos, reminding me that there are some other mommas out there that need to know they are not alone, and that chaos is ok.

Currently typing this blog, there’s baby shark and Bluey playing in the background. My husband is asking me questions. My dog is whining. My thoughts are everywhere thinking about what needs to be done next. I have a busy weekend ahead that seems in order, but I know something will get knocked out of alignment.

Guess what? I am ok with all of this.

I am ok because I know that God is in the middle of all of it. I am trying to shift my heart and mind to appreciate the chaos. I am thankful that I have a sweet baby girl running around singing her songs while her favorite show is playing. There is a momma out there who yearns for those moments. I am thankful for my husband having breath in his lungs to ask me questions. There may be a woman who has lost her husband and misses the moments she had with him. I am thankful for the home that holds those chaotic moments.

I am thankful for tiny reminders that this is the life God has blessed me with.

This blog itself seems a bit chaotic and all over the place (lol). And I am ok with that. Just know that you are not alone. God is with you in the midst of EVERYTHING.

Sit down and embrace the moments.

Find the joy that is there (I promise it is there).

Isaiah 26:3 says “You keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is set on you, because he trusts in you”.

God’s love and mine,



Tip Toeing


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