Tip Toeing

So, I’ve written my blog three times this week… & this isn’t it.

Coming out of the Thanksgiving holiday, I am tired, emotional and being stubborn to God’s call.

I’ve felt the desire to write about some family dynamics in the holiday season, but I keep editing it to save face or just tip-toe around what I’ve really been learning and trying to implement. … & Carrie has been calling me out on it. (Like she should.)

OOF… Getting honest quick…

For the first time, I am scared to post what I’ve written. I’m scared to face backlash. I’m scared of criticism. & I’m scared to hurt feelings, especially of people I love. So, here I am avoiding that blog for the time being to write about what I already know - mostly as a reminder to myself and hopefully as an inspiration to others feeling this same fear.

Don’t be afraid of your call.

When God is behind you, there is no such thing as failure.

Deuteronomy 31:6 tells us, “Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you and forsake you.

& Just to say it louder for the people in the back, Joshua 1:9 echos this message with, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

So… knowing that… why am I still afraid? Human nature I guess? … But seriously, we have to put aside our egos to follow God’s will.

I know better, and as Christians we all should. There are hundreds of verses throughout the Bible to denounce fear and support the strength and protection of our God. & if I were to be honest, this whole experience with Planning to Thrive has been enough to show me that when it’s God’s will, it won’t fail.

In the instance of P2T, I remember telling Andrew about this call and then calling Carrie shortly after. I remember telling my family at lunch and asking my MIL for some opinions for the first time. I remember being terrified going into each of those conversations feeling vulnerable or second-guessing what God had shown me.

& Guess what?!?


I spent half the summer talking myself out of making the investment for these planners or dragging my feet because of fear, and I regret every minute of it. Since we went live with our social media, the website, the blog, and started shipping products, we have received incredible amounts of love and support along with really beautiful testimonies from women like us across the United States. The impact has been incredible.

So, this blog is a testament to you and a reminder to me to just DO THE THING. Whatever it is that God has placed on your heart, whatever the idea, task, or action he has put in your mind on repeat - it’s worth it. As someone who waisted half a summer working on something I was afraid to share and someone who is currently editing a blog post I’ve been called to write for a fourth time, I can guarantee whatever your call and purpose is in God it’s going to be scary.

Being afraid is normal. Giving that fear to God and just diving in - that’s Biblical.

Tonight, I’m sending in my fourth edit to a blog that I’m scared to post to Carrie for review, and while I anxiously await her honesty, I’m reflecting Esther. She was brave. She risked it all by speaking out as a woman in her position. But she did it with God on her side which meant she led with grace and mercy. & Because she didn’t let fear hold her back she saved her people.

I don’t think my next blog will save a population, but I know that when I follow God’s call and I spend time praying on it to complete it with His grace and mercy, it will be for the better.

Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Don’t tip toe into your call. Put on the armor of God and DIVE IN. Your life will be better in pursuit of His purpose. Give the fear to Him, and know that without a doubt you are capable of ALL THINGS through God and His Righteousness.

God’s Love & Mine,





Embracing the CHAOS